Kids’ Classes
Creative Movement *Levels: Intro, 1,2 and with Tap! :
This is our Intro to dance and creative dance play for our youngest dance students : … Elements of ballet, jazz, rhythm and creative dance play with props (ribbons, scarves, wands, musical instruments, a parachute, etc.) are explored in each class. Listen for the giggles, they abound!
Class Dress Code: Leotard and tights, ballet shoes (pink< girls… black < boys)
Ages 3-5
Pre Ballet:
An Intro to Ballet for our little ones including technique, ballet positions, basic turns, center work and imagery/dance movement with ribbons, scarves, and more.
Class Dress Code: Leotard and tights, ballet shoes (pink< girls… black < boys)
Ages 5-7
Creative Dance Combo:
A continuation of our Creative Movement program with similar instruction in the elements mentioned above. Added is a greater emphasis on learning choreography (dance routines), and ballet technique (turns, leaps, jumps, positions, etc.) for our “older crowd” of little ones.
Ages 6-7
Mini Hip Hop:
Learn the basics of Hip Hop to age-appropriate music. This is a favorite high- energy class designed to get the wiggles out!
Class Dress Code: Comfy clothes you can move in, with clean sneakers used just for dance to protect our floors (not worn on the street).
Ages 5-7
Kids Jazz, Theatrical + Hip Hop:
Our top choice for the young dancer who wants “to learn it all”. With a strong base in technique fundamentals ( posture, positions, turns, progressions, etc.), this class is energetic and FUN!, with comprehensive instruction in jazz, theatrical and/or hip hop routines – which change monthly. This class is upbeat, positive and a prerequisite for any dancer interested in being considered for the studio’s Kids Company performance group.
Class Dress Code: Hair tied back, Leggings, dance/yoga pants or spandex shorts, & form-fitting top (cami or tshirt) or leotard. No large jewelry. On the feet: half soles, jazz shoes or bare feet. Clean sneakers for our hip hop month(s). This class fills fast each Fall … giddyup!
Ages 8-11
Kids Hip Hop:
One of our most popular class offerings -waiting lists are common- so grab your spot fast! Learn the basics of Hip Hop and elements of free-styling to age-appropriate music in this super-fun, positive, energetic class setting.
Class Dress Code: Comfy clothes/dancewear (baggy is fine!) with clean sneakers used just for dance to protect our floors (not worn on the street).
Ages 8-11
Regular Classes
Contemporary /Jazz 1, 2, 3, 4:
SODC sits squarely on top in our area for the premiere Contemporary program and riveting award-winning choreography- and dancers- we create. Emphasis in class is on technique, turns, jumps, floor work, breath/expression, musicality, improv, stage presence and all other Contemporary elements. Jazz styling is explored at times as well (up-tempo jazz dance, Broadway style, etc.)
We have been honored with the title “..best young experts in Contemporary / Jazz in the Rogue Valley…” by SODance News. We are the only southern Oregon studio that houses its own professional contemporary dance company: Southern Oregon Dance Collective. Our Contemporary teaching staff (some of whom are members of the Collective) have years of class training, teaching, convention workshop experience and training with Master Teachers from around the nation and Europe.
Dress Code: Hair tied back, Leggings, dance pants or spandex shorts, & form-fitting top (cami or tshirt) or leotard. No large jewelry. On the feet: half soles, jazz shoes or bare feet.
* Mastery of the fundamentals at one level required prior to moving into the next higher level.
Ages 11-18+
Beg. / Inter & Adv Teen Hip Hop:
SODC has won numerous Regional awards and titles for our Hip Hop excellence, and this is where it all begins- in Hip Hop classes. Each of our three teen level classes is designed to teach the progression of Hip Hop styles, choreography and moves that build on the mastery of fundamentals learned in the previous level. Learn elements of warping, tutting, pop & lock, break, freestyling, and more in our uber-fun, popular, high-energy Hip Hop class series, to age-appropriate music.
Class Dress Code: Comfortable clothes (baggy is good!) with clean sneakers used just for dance to protect our floors (not worn on the street).
Ages 11-18+
Ballet 1, 2, 3, 4+ :
The basics of classical ballet are taught with the mastery at one level required prior to moving into the next higher level.
Dress Code: Ballet shoes (girls>pink, boys>black) GIRLS: pink tights, solid colored leotard (black recommended), hair secured in a bun, ballet skirt/legwarmers and/or other appropriate ballet-designed cover-ups are optional in cold months…. BOYS: plain white t-shirt + black joggers or shorts. No street clothes, large jewelry nor bare feet allowed.
Ages 10+
Pre Pointe & Pointe:
Mastery of both Ballet 1 & 2 level fundamentals, structural readiness, plus teacher recommendation and/or placement audition required.
Dress Code: Same as Ballet above
Ages 12+
Tap 1, 2, 3/4 :
Our tap curriculum is based in a strong focus on rhythm elements, tap technique, clarity of sounds, stage presence and tap musicality. Fun, exuberant, high energy, and GREAT exercise. Everybody loves tap..join us!
Dress Code: comfortable, stretchy clothes you can M O V E in, hair tied back, tap shoes. No large jewelry
Ages 9+
SODC Performance Groups:
We have three performance groups in residence at the studio: Kids Company (3rd -5th gds.)… Intermediate Production (6-9th gds.), and Advanced Production (9th-12th gds.) Each has won numerous Regional and National awards for dance excellence at competition and conventions around the US. In addition to being featured in Dance Spirit and Dance Teacher magazines, our Advanced Production group has also performed in Disneyland, Disney World, Universal Studios, on stages across the PNW and throughout Austria, Europe! By Audition Only (contact us for specifics, audition dates, etc.)
NEW! Home School Dance
We Offer a 10% discount to our General Homeschool Dance Students! Enroll in any class(es), and follow up with a message via our contact page letting us know that your child is Homeschooled, and we will adjust your future tuition payments down 10%! A popular class with our *Homeschool students is Kids Jazz and Theatrical which is an intro to fun and popular Theatrical Dance (examples: Mary Poppins, Newsies, Annie, Oklahoma!, Godspell, etc.) as well as energetic sessions in Hip Hop to upbeat music like Toby Mac, Jordan Feliz and others. This hour-long dance section fills the bill as a “PE” class with the benefit of included Dance Arts Education where students also learn dance terminology (in French) and structured choreography with warm ups and dance technique to age-appropriate, wholesome, uplifting, fun music. Any class (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop) qualifies for 10% off for our *Homeschool students.
*Discount does not apply to performance group members.