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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


Prices, Policies, & Procedures

Because SODC is committed to excellence in training, we feel strongly that students who attend regularly make the most progress and benefit from compounded technical work . Therefore, we encourage dancers to enroll and attend as “regular students”. But, attending as a drop-in student is another option.

Regular students

…. are those who enroll in a program of ongoing classes. They pay an annual $25 registration fee at signup which guarantees placement. Parents may pay tuition for the year in full at any time or make equal monthly payments. Class positions are guaranteed in each successive month when tuition is paid in full, current and attendance is regular. Regardless of the number of class meetings in any given month (some months have 5 classes, some have 3 or 4), tuition remains the same Sept. through June on the equal payment plan. Tuition is due on or before the 10th of each month to avoid a $10.00 late fee, and may be made online with a debit/credit card here via our website PAY TUITION tab, or in-person with a check or cash. The Studio can not accept debit/credit cards on site at the front desk. Our convenient auto-pay plan can be selected at the time you register online, or at any time in the future by revisiting your account page, or by notifying us that you wish to turn the auto-pay feature on.

Regular Students receive discounts to studio-sponsored workshops, free admission to “Dance Variations” in February, and are included in the annual studio June concert, “Celebrate Dance!” held at the GPHS Performing Arts Center each year without being charged an additional “recital fee”.

*Refunds or credits for missed classes can not be made at any time.*

Those who miss a class for any reason may take a make-up class at any time within 4 weeks of their absence. Students who “skip” a month or more lose their priority placement position for any successive month and must re-enroll on a first come, first served basis equal with new students. SODC can not hold spots for non-paying/non attending students.”*

In order to protect the privacy of individual students and the integrity/proprietary rights of staff choreography,  Video-recording of classes is not allowed in the studio, unless pre-approved by the teacher and SODC Manager.  Also, due to potential “geo-tracking”  and invasion of privacy rights (as determined and banned by many state governments now), the app Tik Tok is not allowed to be open and running anywhere in the studio.  Thank you for your compliance for the safety and privacy of all of our students at SODC.

SODC now accepts Silver in payment toward tuition and merchandise.  Please contact us via our contact form here on our site to inquire about our Silver protocol

Regular Student Tuition
45 minute class- $65 per month
60 minute class- $68 per month
75 & 90 minute class- $70-75 per month

We encourage all families who register a Regular Student for classes online with us to select our “receive important class text messages” option so that in the event of an unscheduled class cancelation or other occurrence, you can be notified early. We do not share your contact information with any third party, it will only be used for urgent studio and/or class-specific announcements.

Drop-in Students:

Students who wish to try a new class or drop in occasionally may pay at the front desk with cash or check as they attend.

*No privileges apply. A “recital fee” of $50 is charged to each drop-in student who later decides to perform in the concert with a class.

Drop-in Student Tuition
(pay as you go)
45 minute class – $17.00/class
60 minute class – $18.00/class
75 & 90 min class – $20.00/class

*Private Lessons…may be arranged with individual instructors or via the studio contact form….Cost = $50/hour + studio use fee of $15

*Room Rental available for your group or activity: $25/hour…please use contact form to request a date/time​

* The Studio is open on all school in-service days, other holidays (such as Memorial Day, Presidents Day, Veterans Day, Martin Luther King Day, etc. ) , “snow days”, etc. except as noted below:

  • Closed on Thanksgiving Day
  • Closed during scheduled District 7 Christmas/Winter Break
  • Closed during scheduled District 7 Spring Break

**Class Costume Fees vary, but are usually in the $30-50 range per class, and not due until after the holidays in the new year. Your teacher will give details in plenty of time for ordering and payment.